About us Phoenix Scientific
Phoenix Scientific Company Limited was found in April 1995. Phoenix Scientific Co., Ltd. is a leading provider of instrument systems and consumable products for identification quantification, analysis and testing in Thailand. Its mission is to improve the effectiveness of people and organizations by providing analysis products, systems and services that accelerate the advancement of knowledge and enrich the quality of life.

As we are scientists, we have specialized knowledge & plentiful experiences in Laboratories works. A good understanding in this field helps us to fulfill our customer demands & gets a complete package solution to solve all their problems.

We also been aware that the information technology should play a vital role in the business world today, as an important tool to access up-to-date information and ultimately lowering the cost of capital.

The company aims to enhance its service and know their customers better through one by one closely communicate, providing one stop supply house convenience service through our superior team.
First Class Service
To ensure that our customers receive our special service, all members of staff are carefully selected and highly trained both in theory and in practice, to ensure everyone understands the same concept of service. This instills pride in the products and services of our company.
The rapid response to customer specifications, fast delivery and an attractive price policy give PHOENIX a critical and distinct competitive edge.
The rapid response to customer specifications, fast delivery and an attractive price policy give PHOENIX a critical and distinct competitive edge.
Being specialized
Being specialized in Consumable & Accessories, a comprehensive inventory is maintained to meet prompt delivery schedules.
"As promptly supply & services is key to our customer satisfactions"